Thunderbolts Guide: Gravel Riding Training Program

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As we get closer to Thunderbolts Adventure 2025, we hope you're ramping up your training mileage! If you've been a bit lax in your preparation, don't fret – there is still enough time to prepare.

For the Thunderbolts overnighter standard course, you should mentally prepare for a demanding 5-8 hour (minimum) day on the bike, both days. While it's impractical to fit in 8-hour training rides (let's face it, who has time or energy for that?), putting in a consistent effort before the event is essential to meet the time cut and thrive on the day, rather than merely survive.

thunderbolts 2021 walking up hill

Here's a straightforward gravel riding training program suitable for those working full-time. Begin eight weeks out from the event, with weeks 4 and 8 designated as easy/recovery weeks.

Four key sessions per week:

  • Session #1: Spend 1 hour on the trainer doing intervals targeting your threshold*. Aim for 3 x 10-minute intervals at your threshold HR or Watts, with 5 minutes of recovery between efforts. Try to maintain the same average heart rate for all intervals and aim to increase your power threshold over the 8 weeks.

  • Session #2: Focus on hill repeats. Find a 10-minute climb** near your home and aim to complete 3-5 repeats without slowing down each time. Recover on the ride back down.

  • Session #3: Enjoy a 2-hour bunch ride for fun. Simply relish the ride and indulge in a coffee stop.

  • Session #4: Dedicate the weekend to a long ride of at least 3-4 hours. Include some efforts and hills to simulate race conditions and practice your on-bike nutrition and hydration.

Following this routine will total ~ 200km per week. Maintain this for 3 weeks, then have an easy week.

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To further progress/if you can commit to more riding:

  • Week 1: As above.

  • Week 2: Add an extra 2 hours (~50km) at endurance pace, bringing the weekly total to 250km.

  • Week 3: Add a further 2 hours (~50km), totalling 300km for the week.

  • Week 4: Focus on recovery. Reduce intensity but aim to cover at least 100km during the week to keep your legs active.

Then repeat the cycle! The final/eighth week should involve tapering into Thunderbolts, putting you in decent shape to tackle the ride.

If you're worried about making the distance due to misjudged preparation or life getting in the way, don't hesitate to reach out or consider volunteering for a rewarding experience.

All volunteers get a cool crew event tee, free meals & camping, a $50 fuel voucher and a free entry for next year. Plus, a great weekend in the wilderness with awesome people.

Happy riding!

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(*) Your threshold represents the maximum power or heart rate you can sustain for an hour on the bike.

(**) Hill repeats prepare your cardiovascular system for sustained climbing. Aim for a pace that challenges you but doesn't exhaust you by the third repeat. Adjust your pace based on your performance and heart rate, aiming for consistency or slight improvement with each repeat. Avoid hills longer than 10 minutes for this type of training.


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